Ellsworth Historical Society welcomes you!


Portland-based historic masons Hascall & Hall began rehabilitation of the brick exterior on March 4th, 2024.  They erected scaffolding first on the North wall, then West wall, then East wall.  Their tasks this spring include grinding out old mortar, and removing loose bricks in preparation to rebuilding with them using historic mortar.  They will work on the South wall once the first three walls are completed.

Learn about the Old Hancock County Jail & Sheriff’s Home Preservation Project

  • History

    The building has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places since 2008 for its significance not only as a governmental building connected to Hancock County but also as an example of a building designed specifically to serve both as a residence and jail. It includes many thoughtful features for such a unique dual use. As written in the National Register nomination: “As originally constructed, the jail in Ellsworth featured direct access from the outside, as well as the option to bring prisoners in through the office in the northeast corner of the house. Access points between the family and the cells were limited, but convenient, and in contrast to the stark cells, the residential section of the building was designed and finished in the latest style.”

  • Tour

    One of the longest occupants of the sheriff’s home in recent decades was the Fitch family. Click the button below for a guided tour of the building by Ernie Fitch and two of his siblings!

  • The grant that changed it all

    The Ellsworth Historical Society was a recipient of $200,000 awarded in April from the Maine Development Foundation’s Maine Downtown Center REvitalizeME Gen2 National Park Service Sub-grant Program. Learn how this grant facilitated the future for the Old Jail!